An activity of Rashtrotthana Arogya Seva Kendra
Bhagawan Dhanwantari

Hari Om Dhanvantari
ॐ नमामि धन्वन्तरिं आदिदैवम् सुरासुरैर्वन्दित पादपद्मम् ॥
लोके जरारुक्भयमृत्यु नाशम् दातारमीषम् विविधौषधीनाम् ॥
Welcome to Agnivesha Ayurveda Anushtana (AAA), established in 1992, is an activity of Rashtrotthana Parishat's Health Service, a registered charitable organization, striving for mass awakening, mass education, and social service. Agnivesha Ayurveda Anushtana is sincerely been discharging its Yeoman services to Ayurvedic practitioners and the public since its inception.
Agnivesha Ayurveda Anushtana being a charitable organization is wholly dependent for funds on the liberal donations by the public. Hence the organization requests you to kindly extend your support towards these noble causes in the form of donations and contributions. The organization will be highly grateful to you for your timely support and Cooperation.
Get your lifetime membership and attend all the events (monthly seminars and mid-year Charak Jaynathi Celebration and Annual Dhanvantari Jayanthi celebration) for free. Join the community of more than 500 Ayurvedic clinicians.
Upcoming Event
Maharshi Charaka Jayanti
21st July 2024, Sunday
You are welcome to join us to celebrate Maharishi Charaka Jayanthi 2024. We are delighted to have an esteemed Vaidya from Gujrat, Dr. Rajesh Thakkar on this occasion.
He will deliver two sessions sharing his clinical experience in managing critical conditions and infertility.